Ranked #2 on American Film Institute's (AFI) list of Most Inspiring movies.
Ranked #25 on AFI's list of Greatest Movies of All Time.
Ranked #1 on AFI's list of Courtroom Dramas.
Atticus Finch voted top screen hero of last 100 years by AFI.
The Harper Lee novel upon which this film is based won the Pulitzer Prize. It is currently the most assigned book in the US among high school students.
To Kill a Mockingbird is Clark Kent/Superman's favorite film.
Ranks #54 on IMBD's voters list of all-time best films.
Gregory Peck won the Academy Award for Best Actor.
To Kill a Mockingbird also won Oscars for Best Writing and Best Art Direction.
Nominated for 5 other Academy Awards including Best Director and Best Picture. It lost out, on both awards, to 'Lawrence of Arabia'.

This list shows how large an impact To Kill a Mockingbird made upon its viewers. The film's powerful message about race relations rings as true today as when it was made. The script is compact and intelligent, the acting fantastic and the Robert Mulligan direction is perfect. By focusing this story upon the children, novelist Harper Lee and screenplay writer Horton Foote keep the story simple without being simplistic. They make strong statements about racism, poverty and innocence while entertaining us from beginning to end.
A wonderful film. It is worth a watch every few years!
Filmed in 1962, directed by Robert Mulligan, written by Horton Foote, based upon the novel by Harper Lee, starring Gregory Peck, Brock Peters, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford, Frank Overton and Robert Duvall in his screen debut.

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